
임서희 부교수


연락처 : 02-2220-0741



Yale University

Ph.D., M.Phil., M.A., English Language and Literature

Columbia University, Columbia College

             B.A., English and Comparative Literature



한양대학교 부교수 (2023.03-현재)

한양대학교 조교수 (2019.03-2023.02)



The Late Modernist Novel: A Critique of Global Narrative Reason (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022)


주요 논문

“Real Estate and the Millennial Romance.” Forthcoming in ELH.

“Fathers and Daughters; or, Social Reproduction in the Anthropocene. boundary 2 51.1 (2024)

“Pain and Prejudice in the World Literary Market.” New Literary History 53.3 (2022)

“Philip K. Dick, Late Modernism, and the Chinese Logic of American Totality.” Modernism/modernity Print Plus (2019)

“The Ghost in the Account Book: Conrad, Faulkner, and Gothic Incalculability.” NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction 52.2 (2019)

“Between Habbakuk and Locke: Pain, Debt, and Economic Subjectivation in Paradise Lost.” MLQ 78.1 (2017)